Interior views of the Duke University Medical Center library: Digital scanning workstation in the History of Medicine Reading Room. Gayle Elmore is at the keyboard.
Bookplate: Bearded scholar reading in a grape arbor supported by doric columns. Foxglove growing at left. Greek inscription on cross beam [Proverbs 8:21].
Bookplate: Winged Caduceus with two serpents inside an oval wreath, flanked by books. An oak branch with acorns is laid across a third book lying beneath the wreath.
Bookplate: Naked male infant standing atop a pillar urinating into a test tube attached by a clamp to a stand. Around the stand and test tube is wound a snake.
Bookplate: Within a triangle a man kneels before a fire emerging from a burning skull. Around the perimeter is a serpent, medical instruments, and "Mein Buch von der Lichte."