Francis Huntington Swett was a member of the original faculty as a professor and chair of the Dept. of Anatomy from 1930 to 1943. He co-wrote Introduction to the Medical Sciences for Medical Record Librarians, with J.H. Neese. He died in 1943.
The Department of Anatomy was established in 1930 as part of the original School of Medicine. The name of the department changed to the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy in 1988. Department of Anatomy chairs are as...
Members of first physical therapy class (1943), left to right: Philip Riddleberger, Barbara Perkins, unknown patient, unknown instructor, John Riebel, Margaret Poole.
Sigerist sitting at a desk holding a book. Presentation inscription: "To Henry Schuman with the good wishes March 1943 Dr. Sigerist" By Greystone Studios Inc., New York.
Members of the second Physical Therapy class, 1944, with instructor on a clinical visit out of town. From left to right: Edgar Johnson, Bettie Runner, Lucy Straw, John Riebel (instructor, class of 1943).