In this letter, Irma Lou Hirsch of the ANA politely informs the NCCPA that "the cabinet voted to discontinue appointment of a representative to the commission".
Program from the October 28-29 PA conference at the Statler Hilton Inn in Durham, NC. Speakers include D. Robert Howard, E. Harvey Estes, Henry Weitz, Louis R. Pondy, Richard O. Cannon, Bill Stanhope, and Charles L. Hudson.
Letters written by Dr. Eugene A. Stead, Jr. in 1969 answering a variety of questions about the physician's assistant concept. The letters are as follows:(1) Stead reply to Zahn dated January 31, 1969 indicating that he feels "the ceiling placed on...
This document, a draft of the NCCPA newsletter, includes an open letter from the executive director, which explains in detail the technical and financial requirements of PA testing. This information is broken down into testing that involves...
Ms. Nichols speaks about growing up in rural North Carolina; her family structure; her aunt as a matriarch; her marriage and move to Durham; her husband's desertion of new family; her financial situation; public housing; Operation Breakthrough; her...
Ms. Robinson she discusses how she got into the physician assistant field and why she has stayed in it. She also explains the roles and responsibilities of the physician assistant in today's hospitals and how she operates here at Duke. In this context,...