Photograph taken at the dedication of the Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins in October, 1929. Left to right, seated: Fuchs, De Schweinitz; standing: Parsons, Wilmer.
Photograph of William H. Welch. Note on verso indicates that photograph was taken by W. G. McCallum. Presentation inscription: “With grandfatherly regards to Dr. Forbus, William H. Welch.”
Photograph of William G. MacCallum. Signature: “W. G. MacCallum.” Manuscript note on verso: “Wm. G. McCallum under whom I learned to be a pathologist, 1923-1930, WDF.”
Photograph of William G. MacCallum of the Pathology Staff at Hopkins. He is sitting down with his hands resting on a desk. Facsimile signature.
Publisher: New York: Doris Ulmann.
Photograph of Thomas R. Boggs, Chief of Medicine at Baltimore City Hospitals. Note on verso indicates that Dr. Boggs was one of Osler’s staff at Johns Hopkins. Presentation inscription: “To my young colleague, Wiley D. Forbus, with sincere...
Photograph of the Pathology Staff, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1928-1929. MacCallum is seated in the center of the front row, fourth from left. Forbus is at far right, second row.
Photograph of the Old Pathological Building at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Manuscript note indicates it was replaced in 1922-23 by the new Institute, following partial destruction by fire.
Photograph of the new Pathology Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The new building was erected on the site of the old Pathology Building demolished after a fire.
Tuesday morning conference in the old autopsy room at Bay View. Facilities were used for the instruction of Hopkins Medical students. The material used at these conferences was brought to Duke and formed the basis of the original Duke collection...
Sudhoff and Welch facing each other, with a pillar and a stone wall in the background, Sudhoff is holding a drinking glass. Text: "Prof. Karl Sudhoff and Dr. William H. Welch at a convention in Bad Homburg, Germany, in 1927. Courtesy of Dr. Arnold...
Photograph of Karl Sudhoff. Inscription in upper left hand corner of the photograph indicates Professor Sudhoff was the guest of honor on the occasion of the dedication of the Welch Library of Johns Hopkins University and the Institute of the...
Photograph of Alan Mason Chesney. Chesney was Associate Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Hopkins Medical faculty. Autograph note with Forbus’ initials on verso of photo.