In the 1960 Aesculapian, an artist depicted their interpretation of the "treacherous journey" through the Medical School. The artist, RLR (possibily fourth year student Richard L. Reece), inscribed his work:
"In the treacherous journey through...
Dr. Wiley D. Forbus with students. Forbus was a professor and chairman of the Department of Pathology and chief pathologist to Duke Hospital from 1930 until his retirment in 1960.
Attendees of the first organizational meeting of the Southern Association of Practising Pathologists. The meeting was organized by Wiley D. Forbus (chair of Dept. of Pathology 1930-1960) in 1935. The association met again in 1937 in Duke...
Photograph of Alan Mason Chesney. Chesney was Associate Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Hopkins Medical faculty. Autograph note with Forbus’ initials on verso of photo.
Transcript of a radio address given over WBTW on April 9, 1929, about the establishment of the Duke University School of Medicine and Hospital. The address is attributed to Wilburt C. Davison, and mentions the planning and asssistance done by...
Photograph of William H. Welch. Note on verso indicates that photograph was taken by W. G. McCallum. Presentation inscription: “With grandfatherly regards to Dr. Forbus, William H. Welch.”
J. Lamar Callaway graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1932. Callaway, Wiley D. Forbus, Mary A. Poston, Edward Orgain, Douglas Sprunt, William Schulze, and Elbert Persons are assembled in a Duke Hospital meeting room.
Full front portrait of Dr. Thayer. Presentation inscription to Dr. Davison "W. C. D. with the sincere regards of W. S. T." Two duplicates in Folio Picture File, with presentation inscriptions "O. H. -P. from W. S. T." and "W. F. with the sincere...