Uniformed School of Nursing students entering their junior year receive their nursing caps from upper-class students. School of Nursing dean, classmates, and faculty members are also present.
Miss Goff, chair of the Honor Council, and Mrs. Rachel Ann McSwain Harrell, President of the Nursing Student Government Association, hand lighted candles to the freshmen students after they are capped.
Phyllis Jane Mertz was president of the preclinical class and a member of the School of Nursing class of 1952. The dean at this time was Margaret Pinkerton (1939-1946).
At the center, a line of men and women can be seen in front of a large piece of medical equipment. A nurse is using the piece of equipment on a male patient, while another nurse stands behind her.
School of Nursing preclinical students and parents arriving at Baker House. Faculty members and junior big sisters greet them. Bessie Baker was the first dean of the School of Nursing (1930-1938). The first class was admitted on January 2, 1931...
School of Nursing preclinicals attending an informal dance on the terrace of Baker House (also the nurses' residence). Bessie Baker was the first dean of the School of Nursing (1930-1938). The first class was admitted on January 2, 1931 and...