Ann Henshaw Gardiner was the first full-time faculty member of the Duke University School of Nursing. She served from 1931 until 1941. (From the scrapbook of Marie McAdams Parrish, circa 1978.)
Uniformed School of Nursing students on front steps of building. Bessie Baker was the first dean of the School of Nursing (1930-1938). The first class was admitted on January 2, 1931 and graduated on June 7, 1933.
Uniformed School of Nursing students on front steps of building. Bessie Baker was the first dean of the School of Nursing (1930-1938). The first class was admitted on January 2, 1931 and graduated on June 7, 1933.
(Three groups from left to right) Staff, including Bessie Baker (dean) at the front of the line, and administrators; first class of the School of Nursing students (in black tights); nurses of Duke Hospital. The first class entered on January 1931...
The first class of the School of Nursing in uniform. The class entered on January 1931 and graduated in June 1933. They were the only class to wear black stockings.
Baker House, located on Trent Drive, was constructed in 1931 and renovated in 1968. The building is contiguous with Duke Clinic. It housed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology administration, clinics, diagnostic, treatment and support...
Uniformed School of Nursing students on front steps of building. Bessie Baker was the first dean of the School of Nursing (1930-1938). The first class was admitted on January 2, 1931 and graduated on June 7, 1933.
Four African American LPN (licensed practical nursing) students and a Duke University Hospital staff member or nursing instructor gathered around a table. The students are enrolled in a cooperative program between Durham city schools, State...
Uniformed students and staff in the School of Nursing library reading room in either Hanes House or Baker House. The nursing library was part of the Duke Hospital library until it was moved to the second floor of the Baker House in April 1944....
Sherwood with two pediatric patients outside of Duke Hospital. In 1930, when Duke Hospital was opened, Mildred M. Sherwood was put in charge of the Children's Ward. She was an instructor in pediatrics, and a nurse with the Mobile Medical Emergency...