Lt. Colonel Clarence E. Gardner (later chair of the Dept. of Surgery at Duke) was chief of Surgical Service of the 65th General Hospital. Near the end of the war, Dr. Gardner was promoted to full colonel and became a surgical consultant to the...
Dr. Dennis Bernard Amos (center) working in the lab with two others. Dr. Amos was professor of immunology and experimental surgery at Duke University from 1962 to 1993.
Portrait of Dr. Frances Widmann, who came to Duke in 1971 to direct the blood bank at the Durham Veteran's Administration Hospital and to teach in the Duke Department of Pathology. She was also assistant chief of the laboratory service at the...
Left to right, Arena, Davison, and McGovern standing. Arena and Davison both wearing glasses. Presentation inscription: "To Jay Arena from Dave W. Davison."
Joseph Beard with students during an experimental operation. Beard joined the Duke University faculty, serving from 1937 to 1973. He became the James B. Duke professor of surgery in 1946 and was appointed professor of virology in 1965. He received...