Picture of a black cat sitting in a chair. Two other cats are on the floor looking up at the black cat. Two snakes and a goblet are shown in the upper left hand corner. Drawn by A. Moyano.
Picture showing a nude woman sitting on a saw. On open book is shown in the background. The border is composed of geometric patterns. Drawn by Leon Eygelshoven.
Picture of a boy lying prone on the floor. A man is kneeling over him and a woman is standing with her head in her hands. Text in Hebrew. Drawn by Larsen.
Picture showing a snake coiled around a goblet or cup. The goblet is on an open book. The borders consist of geometrical shapes. A human face is in the top corners of the sheet. Text in Latin.
Bookplate is in the shape of a book with a mountainous landscape on the cover. A medical tent is in the middleground. A caduceus emblem is in the left foreground. Drawn by H. Huffert.
Picture of a man with a sword throwing a bottle of poison. A skeleton is running in the background. A smiling cat is in the foreground. The man appears to be singing, humming, or whistling. Drawn by J. Naha.
Picture showing a man holding a mortar and pestle on his head. The street address is given below the picture. Text in Latin and Spanish. Engraved in wood by E. C. Ricart.
Picture showing two birds in an oriental motif. One bird is directly above the other. The borders are formed by two sets of four bamboo poles lashed together.
Picture of the devil driving a plow. Tuberous vegetables are shown scattered on the ground. The plow itself contains a triangle with an eye inside. Drawn by K. R. S.
Picture of three men at a table; one of the men is examining another's eyes. An angel is sitting in the background. Drawing signed Rembrandt. Text at top in Hebrew.
Picture of a woman lying in a bed, with a man holding a baby next to her, a man with instruments in front, and a man and woman standing in the background. For R. Pierre.
Published in France.
Picture of a woman standing next to a bed with a child in it. Text at bottom "Arte y medicina", name and text at top "Dr. Blazquez Bores, Sevilla."
Published in Seville, Spain.
Coat of arms with boars' heads in the upper left and lower right quadrants, and a boar's head and a caduceus above the coat of arms. At bottom "Thomas Brooke F.S.A. Armitage Bridge."
Picture of a graduated cylinder and a syringe with a strip of plastic with beads on the edges wrapped around it. Stamped Ipse Fecit Fotomontage. By and for W. J. J. van Rossum.
Picture of a nude woman standing in front of a glass bottle. Text at bottom "Ancora Chimica Sempre." Initialed by artist Ethel Vincenti Ferrario. For G. Balbi.
Picture of the letter K, with a man in armor at bottom, Martin Luther at right, and a martin at top. Border includes medical instruments and a caduceus. Drawn by Junge for Martin L. Kreiger.
An elderly man and a young woman at the bedside of a youth. At the corners are the seals of the four universities with which Osler was associated. Purchased through the William Osler Testimonial Fund for the Advancement of Medicine.
Picture of a book and a quill pen surrounded by columns. The book is located in what appears to be the entrance to a building. Various symbols decorate the walls of the building.
Bookplate: An elderly man in a long coat examines the tongue of a mask. A table with instruments and books is to his right. Curieux es Arts. Artiste es Cures.
Bookplate: From top to bottom: left profile of warrior in helmet, serpent twined around goblet to form a caduceus, x-ray of a ribcage, esophageal procedure.
Bookplate: An unclothed female on a square pedestal which has the image of a skull on the front. Behind her a very large eye emanates rays which illuminate the bones and internal organs of her torso. An elaborately coiled serpent drinks from a...
Bookplate: A modern male figure clothed in a lab coat and gloves examines a test tube. A shadow figure behind him in medieval dress holds aloft a flask. A banner between them reads: Nova et Vetera.
Bookplate: Three surgeons operate in front of a large open book bearing the text "Segvi il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." A serpent twines around a goblet to form a caduceus.
Bookplate: A nude woman kneels holding onto the staff of Aesculapius with a serpent. She wraps her billowing cloak around a young boy with his arm in a sling.
Bookplate: Physician in robes holds in his left hand a large urine flask for a crowd of four men to examine. One man is on crutches with a bandaged right leg.
Bookplate: A squirming convoluted pile of babies are circumscribed by an ellipse. Various books and medical instruments (trephine, tuning fork, forceps, reflex hammer) are scattered beyond the border. Double serpents are twined around a winged...
Bookplate: A woman rests her left hand on the trunk of a conifer as she tilts her head back to look straight up into the branches. Her right hand is cupped at her right ear. Several birds are visible.
Bookplate: A woman is seated in a large armchair holding a child on her lap. The doctor in a white coat leans forward and looks in the child's mouth. A desk lamp with a caduceus base illuminates an open book in the foreground and a book case...
Bookplate: Within a triangle a man kneels before a fire emerging from a burning skull. Around the perimeter is a serpent, medical instruments, and "Mein Buch von der Lichte."
Bookplate: Two men wearing robes and caps face each other. One is pressing a cloth against the wound in the other's right forearm. A left hand radiating rays with a palm facing out is on a cloth hanging behind them.
Bookplate: A large long-beaked bird holds a bouquet of flowers, including foxglove and lily-of-the-valley, in its right claw. The left claw grasps a serpent. The image in inscribed inside a circle.
Bookplate: Framed by an elaborate cartouche, a serpent is wound around a heart to form a caduceus. Below the cartouche is a circle divided into equal quarters; in each section is either an animal or a barrel.
Bookplate: A doctor brandishes a saw in one hand, an amputated leg in the other, and an ax under his arm. The patient lies on the table reading a book by Edgar Wallace. Both figures have cheerful expressions.
Bookplate: The upper half of the plate has the initials "A" and "G" intertwined with an eye inside the "G." A copy of an illuminated manuscript by Albert von Graefe lies open on the table below.
Bookplate: X-ray image of a left hand holding aloft a plate with a coiled and rearing serpent is inscribed in a white circle inside a square. Beneath are books on psychiatry and neurology arranged on a bookshelf.
Bookplate: Female nude--full frontal view to just above the waist. A stethoscope bisects the image. A funnel is on the left; a thermometer is on the right.