Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans discusses Dr. Susan Dees; her friendship with Dr. Dees; Dr. Dees introducing Semans to her] second husband, Dr. Jim Semans; little time for socializing in the medical center; Dr. Dees's success as both a physician and...
Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans speaks about her memories of what health care was like when she was a young woman; health care for her mother; the former chair of Medicine, Dr. Frederick Hanes; the Hanes family; her interest in, but not necessarily...
Photograph of (right to left ) Josiah C. Trent, Helen Bayne (Librarian of the Medical College, New York University), and Thomas E. Keys. Photographed by Charles Meyer.
Josiah Charles Trent received his undergraduate degree from Duke in 1934. From 1939 to 1948 he was on the house staff and assistant professor of surgery in charge of thoracic surgery. He died in 1948. The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation...
Bronze bust of Dr. Josiah Charles Trent placed in the reading room of the History of Medicine Collections at Duke University Medical Center Library on 10 April 1976. Sculpted by Antonio Salemme.
Photograph of Erik Waller age 73 standing with an open book in his hands before a bookcase filled with books covering the wall behind him. Dr. Waller bequeathed his library on the history of medicine and science to the Library of the Royal...
Card catalog of the Trent Collection in Medical History outside the door of the Trent Room in the Duke University Hospital Library. A photograph of Dr. Josiah Trent hangs above the catalog.
A young Dr. Trent. Manuscript note on verso: “Interviewed by Dr. Thorpe, Dec. 20th, 1933 at Dean’s office, Univ. Penna. Med. School, Phila. Hyman I. Goldstein, M.D. Camden 4, N. J.”