Bookplate: Poem enclosed in a ruled border: If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shall he be To read, to study, not to lend, But to return to me.
A tree serves as a caduceus with a serpent wound around the trunk. The branches are hands, one holding a flower, another a globe. At the top is an eye.
Bookplate: A young man holds a jar aloft. To his lower right and left are heraldic shields of Hohenfeld and Mainbernheim, respectively. On upper left and right are anatomic cross-sections.
Bookplate: In a medieval interior, an elderly bearded man in long robes tries on spectacles. Another bearded man sits at a table offering other spectacles.
Bookplate: A physician examines a flask of urine while taking the pulse of a woman. Another woman looks on. Composition inspired by a Jan Steen painting.
Bookplate: A surgeon operates in the background. The grim reaper is in the foreground. A book is open to an image of a snake curled around a chalice to form a caduceus.