Picture of a man with a sword throwing a bottle of poison. A skeleton is running in the background. A smiling cat is in the foreground. The man appears to be singing, humming, or whistling. Drawn by J. Naha.
Picture initialed H. F. K. of a skull on top of a stack of books, with the caduceus in front, and with symbols of medical instruments at the top. Bookplate for Dr. med. Edmund Kammeyer.
The upper half of the picture is a man sitting at a table with a skull in his right hand. Also on the table are several open books, a quill pen and other objects. A landscape scene is shown through an open window. On the left of the table are...
Picture of a woman holding a bowl with vapors coming off it, leaning on a staff with a snake wrapped around it. Text in Hebrew. Bookplate for Dr. Emil Simonson.
Picture of a man sitting at a desk typing. On the floor are scattered papers and a wastebasket. To the right is a stack of papers and shelves of books. Two people are sitting in the background. "No. 186" appears at the bottom of sheet. Drawn by...
Picture of a bust of Hipocrates, with children putting laurels and flowers on it. Books, cats, and a man's head below. Caption at top "Vitam impendere vero". By Alexander Coll for Dr. Enrique Saez.
Bookplate is in the shape of a book with a mountainous landscape on the cover. A medical tent is in the middleground. A caduceus emblem is in the left foreground. Drawn by H. Huffert.