Picture by R. Abad of wheat growing out of a heart, with a fancy border. Banner reads: "Moriatur ne moriatur." Name at bottom Dr. Adolfo Ma. Gomez Ruiz.
Picture of an angel in a circle holding a wine glass (above) and a picture of a city (below). Stars are shown in the plate also. Drawn by Elfriede Weidenhaus. Text in German.
Pubsliher: Stuttgart: Wagenburg Strasse
Landscape portrait of a woman lying under a tree reading a book. An owl and a medical implement are shown in the left and right corners, respectively. Drawn by Amalia de Escauriaza. Text in Latin.
Picture of two angels holding an inner diamond showing a portal. Text in Spanish. Drawn by R. Abad. The number "101" is shown at the bottom of the sheet.
Picture by Lossilla of a skeleton smoking a cigarette, looking at a microscope, with an open book and a quill pen next to him. Caption: "La muerte por la ciencia."
Portrait of a priest in clerical garb with his right hand on a cross. A landscape is shown in the foreground. The name "S. V. Voitech" appears on the cleric's headdress.
Picture of a man with a nose ring, with papers, a pen and some books and instruments piled before him. Mushroom cloud in background. By Alberto Lima, for Arlindo Viana. Numbered 147.
Picture of a man lying on an operating table. A doctor is sawing into his chest and standing on a ladder. A nurse and another attendant are also present. Pen sketch by by Rogerio Ribeiro. Zincograph by Marques Abreu.
Portrait of a woman seated in the background. In the foreground is an hourglass, candle, book, a heart under glass, and other objects. Text: "For Ever Wilt Thou Love And She Be Fair." Drawn by B. Bramanti.
Picture of a man reclining between two pictures, labeled "Fons Vita" and "Fons Mortis". Man is reclining on a pedestal labeled "Cajal", with a statue behind him. At right "In memoriam" and at bottom "Dr. Manuel Morales Fraile". By Manuel Calderon.
Portrait of a book placed between columns of a building. Various other objects appear on a wall. Drawn by A. Encarnacao Santos of Lisbon. Text in Latin and Portuguese.
Picture of some buildings as they appear from an open window. Several books are on a table, and a caduceus is shown at right. Text in Latin. Drawn by Ada Carazzola.
Bookplate: An unclothed female on a square pedestal which has the image of a skull on the front. Behind her a very large eye emanates rays which illuminate the bones and internal organs of her torso. An elaborately coiled serpent drinks from a...
Bookplate is in the shape of a book with a mountainous landscape on the cover. A medical tent is in the middleground. A caduceus emblem is in the left foreground. Drawn by H. Huffert.