Bookplate: A nude woman kneels holding onto the staff of Aesculapius with a serpent. She wraps her billowing cloak around a young boy with his arm in a sling.
Bookplate: Physician in robes holds in his left hand a large urine flask for a crowd of four men to examine. One man is on crutches with a bandaged right leg.
Bookplate: A woman rests her left hand on the trunk of a conifer as she tilts her head back to look straight up into the branches. Her right hand is cupped at her right ear. Several birds are visible.
Bookplate: A woman is seated in a large armchair holding a child on her lap. The doctor in a white coat leans forward and looks in the child's mouth. A desk lamp with a caduceus base illuminates an open book in the foreground and a book case...
Bookplate: Within a triangle a man kneels before a fire emerging from a burning skull. Around the perimeter is a serpent, medical instruments, and "Mein Buch von der Lichte."
Bookplate: A large long-beaked bird holds a bouquet of flowers, including foxglove and lily-of-the-valley, in its right claw. The left claw grasps a serpent. The image in inscribed inside a circle.
Bookplate: Framed by an elaborate cartouche, a serpent is wound around a heart to form a caduceus. Below the cartouche is a circle divided into equal quarters; in each section is either an animal or a barrel.
Bookplate: A gowned trio works in an operating room. Behind them is a profile of a head of a large skeleton, inside of which is a seated woman pointing to a location in the brain.
Bookplate: Aesculapius with staff in a medallion surrounded by a border with a stag pursued by a hunter with gun, a chemical retort, and a raven. On verso is 04047.
Bookplate: Physician examines with a stethoscope the chest of a young woman reclining in bed; another young woman stands next to her with great concern.
Bookplate: Seated Eastern male in ethnic dress in a medallion around which is motto: Labeur est mon desduyt. Below two tapeworms form a holder enclosing a mosquito on a pin.
Bookplate: A crowned serpent, curled around a caduceus, decorates the elaborate facade of a "gingerbread" house. Patients ring the respective bells of Dr. Oskar Lerperger, an ophthalmologist, and Dr. Anna Lerperger, a pediatrician.
Bookplate: Four surgically gowned figures surround an operating table with a patient. Medical instruments are in the foreground, academic buildings are in the background.
Bookplate: An elderly bearded man in expensive robes leans across the bed of a young woman. A skull peers over his left shoulder. Above, a banner with "Apage Mors." Below, two snakes threaten across an open flame.
Picture by H. Ziegler, for H. Ziegler, of a skull, books, a quill pen, the Masonic symbol, and instruments on a table, with a tree branch and a basin with a snake wrapped around it in the background.
Picture of a man holding medical instruments and leaning over a woman in a bed, with the Grim Reaper looking over his shoulder. At top "Apage Mors." For Mu Dr. D. Panyrek by L. Novak.
Picture of a smiling woman riding a donkey. Two other women are shown in the background. A man in a suit of armor is kneeling near the woman. Another man is shown in the foreground. Drawn C. Puntis.
Bookplate: The upper half of the plate has the initials "A" and "G" intertwined with an eye inside the "G." A copy of an illuminated manuscript by Albert von Graefe lies open on the table below.
Portrait of a semi-nude woman standing near a bookcase with a snake curled around her arm. Surrounded by various objects including an owl, skull, books, and a rug. Drawn by C. Heine.
Picture of a man sitting and looking through a microscope. On the desk near the microscope are a number of books, a skull, and other objects. Several college seals and a coat of arms are also shown. Drawn by Katherine N. Richardson. Text in Latin.
Picture by Minrikson of a girl sitting, holding a skull, with a snake wrapped around a large basin in the background. At bottom "H. J. Achard Medicinae doctor."
Picture of greenery with sheets of paper in front. Three hands are shown at the top of the sheet. The upper pictures show landscapes scenes. The middle picture shows the owner's initials. Engraved by Fernique and drawn by Henry Andre. Text in...
Picture of a man standing above a woman sitting on the floor holding a small child. The man has his hand on the woman's head. Drawn by Fidus. Text in German.
Portrait showing the Geoffroy coat of arms. Two cherubs are pictured, one holding a pharmacist's balance, the other holding a medical book and the staff of Asklepios. Drawn by S. le Clerc and engraved by C. Dufois. Text in Latin.
Picture of a woman standing on books, with a snake wrapped around her body, holding a skull in her right outstretched hand and a basin in her left outstretched hand. Text in Greek. Bookplate of Dr. Med. Jul. Cornelius Seenger.
Bookplate: A young man and woman seeking protection kneel in front of Aesculapius who extends his staff with a serpent against a menacing skeleton with a scythe. Ionic columns frame the landscape.
Bookplate: Seal of the American College of Surgeons on which Aesculapius is seated with his Caduceus on the left side of a tree and an Indian medicine man with healing paraphenalia is seated on the right.
Bookplate: X-ray image of a left hand holding aloft a plate with a coiled and rearing serpent is inscribed in a white circle inside a square. Beneath are books on psychiatry and neurology arranged on a bookshelf.
Picture of a coat of arms. It shows a hand reaching down from a cloud touching another outsretched hand. A stringed instrument is shown on the bottom of the shield. Two figures (probably angels) are shown on the sides of the plate and another is...
Bookplate: Two trees tower over a shield with a caduceus and a shield with a rooster. A pelican is surrounded by Tulane's motto: "Non sibi, sed suis" ("Not for one's self, but for one's own").
Bookplate: Roundel portrait bust of a man dressed in Renaissance clothing holding a glass retort in his right hand and resting his left hand across a book. Surrounded by cherubs and alchemical apparatus.
Bookplate: Floral elements form a "B" on which sits a cupid holding open the jaws of a serpent from the staff of Aesculapius. Latin quotation from Seneca.
Picture of a room filled with books (above). A lamp is shown on a table. Text on border: "The Night Is All My Own, Let The Day Be Another's." A caduceus is shown on each side of the border, along with various other objects. Below is a landscape...
Geometric designs in which are incorporated a skull, a microscope, and an open book. A verse written by Goethe is shown at the top of the sheet. Text in German. Drawn by Charles Midlo.
Picture of a woman holding a bowl with her arms raised. A serpent is shown with its head above the bowl. A ship is shown in the background. Along the borders are various nautical implements. Drawn by F. Faictus.
Picture of a woman resting on an anchor, with books behind her. At top "Spes ultima dea" At bottom ":Bucherei: Emil Jekelius Apotheker". By Fritz Kimm.