A memorandum sent to Duke Administrators from Dr. Robert Howard dated August 17, 1971 updating them on progress made by the AMA to develop Educational Essentials for the assistant to the primary care physician. Dr. Howard refers readers to the attached...
A monograph (white paper) released by the AMA Council on Health Manpower answering questions about the utilization of physician assistants. The paper describes the AMA's support of the development of education standards and national certification of...
Approved by the American Hospital Association on November 17-19, 1971, this 2 page document states that there should be only one organized medical stall in a hospital, governed by a single set of bylaws. "Health professionals involved in medical...
Released by the American Nurses' Association Board of directors on December 17, 1971, this document describes the emerging training and role of physician assistants. The document cautions that "The term "physician's assistant" should not be applied to...
A typed copy of NC General Assembly House Bill 890 and Senate Bill 554 entitled An Act to Make an Exception to the Medical Practice Act Relative to Assistants to Physicians that was enacted July 12, 1971. The act was a direct outcome of draft model...
Pamphlet inviting individuals to the "11th Annual Seminar: Physician's Assistants" sponsored by the Veterans Administration Hospital and the Greater Cincinnati Hospital Council, Cincinnati, OH, to be held on May 20, 1971. The seminar topic was...
Application accompanying letter and drawing sent to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, DC requesting registration of the mark "Registered Physicians' Associate" and the appropriate insignia. (Fee was $35)
This letter dated December 13, 1971 from Dr. D. Robert Howard to Dr. Thomas Kinney at Duke University summarizes steps taken from September 1969 to December 12, 1970 to gain approval of the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree. Committees established,...
Page 2 and 3 of the Medical School Advisory Committee' minutes for November 9, 1971 indicates approval of the Physician's Assistant program's request to become a degree program. Dr. Kinney made the motion as recommended to him by the Allied Health...
This January 22, 1971 issue of Intercom, Duke University Medical Center, contains an article titled "Duke to Offer Bachelor's Degree in Several Health Sciences Fields. The article describes the need for professionally trained health care workers and...
The photographs and biographical sketches of the Board of Advisors for the American Association of Physicians' Associates were published in Physician's Associate, Volume 1, Number 2, July 1971. The advisors were: James C. Cain, MD, Joseph Hamburg, MD,...
An announcement issued by the United States Civil Service Commission, Bureau of Recruiting and Examining, in March 1971 providing information on availability of Physician's Assistant jobs within the Federal Government. The announcement states that...
A series of letters between D. Robert Howard, Director of the Duke University Physician Assistant program, and Dick Moores, cartoonist of the Gasoline Alley comic strip between September 1971 and April 1972 discussing Chipper, an ex-military corpsmen,...
Dr. Howard's letter to Dr. Stead on January 26, 1971 providing "data regarding the salaries and location of graduates, and also the offered starting salaries and distribution of the job offerings we have on hand." The salaries reported for 42 graduates...
In his letter dated January 26, 1971 to Dr. Louis deS. Shaffner, President of the NC Medical Society, Dr. Bob Howard explains why an ex-chiropractor has been enrolled in the PA Program at Duke as an "experiment." He writes that "We realized at the...
Letter from D. Robert Howard, Director Duke University PA program, to Ira Myers, Secretary of the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners, concerning the nomenclature and the use of the terms "physician's assistant" and "physician's associate". Howard...
Correspondence from Martha Ballenger, legal assistant attached to Duke University PA Program, asking Mr. Lippe for list of insurance companies that are members of the Board so that she could contact them regarding demand for PA liability coverage, rate...
Memorandum dated July 12, 1971 from D. Robert Howard, MD to all concerned indicating that he and Dr. Richard Smith, Director of Medex Programs had "met at great length to discuss the curriculum and other elements concerning the essentials for the...
This proposal was developed by Dr. D. Robert Howard as way for the Duke PA program to become financially self-dependent after receiving five years of Federal funding and meet the immediate needs of PA students for educational loans. "It is proposed...
In his memorandum sent to Drs. Howard and Bulger at Duke University, Mr. Keller sets forth parameters for the Tuition Loan program for the Duke University PA program. According to the letter, "the plan will generate sufficient cash to support the...
Photograph of Dick Moores that appeared on third page of Intercom, the employee newsletter for Duke University Medical Center. An accompanying article indicates that the PA segment of the comic strip Gasoline Alley was printed Wednesday, Thursday and...
This packet of information assembled in 1971 contains information on the distribution of 41 graduates of the Duke University PA Program, the prior health-related backgrounds of graduates and students, a profile of the Class of 1971 and the didactic...
Original guidelines or standards for accreditation of physician assistant education programs adopted by the AMA House of Delegates in December 1971. Sponsoring organizations included the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of...
An article from Intercom, a newsletter from the Duke University Medical Center, vol. 18, no. 35, September 17, 1971. The article has pictures and a summary of the Duke PA program graduation, and talks about the origins of the Scheele award.
Cartoon drawing by Dick Moores showing Chipper Wallet discussing the PA program with Doc that appeared on front page of Intercom, the employee newsletter for Duke University Medical Center. An accompanying article indicates that the PA segment of the...
Duke University Medical Center newsletter containing cartoon, photograph and article about Dick Moores publicizing physician's assistant programs in his comic strip, Gasoline Alley. The main characters in the comic strip, the Wallets, have a son,...
Dr. Robert Howard writes to Dr. Thomas Kinney at Duke University on November 24, 1971 suggesting that President Richard Nixon be invited to speak at the forthcoming annual conference on physician's assistants to be held April 20 and 21, 1972 in Durham....
This 1971 informational pamphlet was placed in the Bragtown satellite clinic explaining the role of Mr. Prentiss Harrison, a Duke PA graduate, and community health workers in improving access to health care in the community. "The community health...
This is a revised draft copy of manuscript describing the Rougemont and Bragtown community health care projects developed by the Department of Community Health Sciences, Duke University Medical Center. The objectives and plan are outlined including use...
Information letter regarding the national paramedical placement service available from Medex. According to the letter, the applicants to this system "have a wide range of military training and experience across a broad spectrum of paramedical skills,...
This article was written by Laura Mae Kress, Information Officer, Division of Allied Health Manpower, Bureau of Health Manpower, National Institutes of Health in 1971. It provides a good background on the evolution of the PA concept, support for its...
Cover letter sent to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, DC requesting registration of the mark "Registered Physicians' Associate" and the appropriate insignia. (Fee was $35)
Newspaper article appearing in the Hospital Tribune on November 1, 1971 stating that "Medex, specially trained assistants, have increased the doctor's capacity to provide patient care by more than 50% according to Dr. Richard A. Smith, Associate...
This workbook contains an agenda and materials for a meeting of the Task Force to Draft Essentials of an Approved Educational Program for Physician's Assistants held at the Ambassador West Hotel in Chicago, IL on Friday, May 21, 1971. The meeting was...
Minutes of subcommittee to draft essentials for an approved educational program for physician's assistants held in Chicago, IL on August 3-4, 1971 by the AMA's Council on Medical Education. A list of representatives is provided along with copy of draft...
Minutes of the Task Force on Physician's Assistant Programs of the AMA and AAMC Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) that met at the Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL on February 11, 1971. The committee accepted the National Academy of Sciences,...
This essay was originally prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, February 12, 1971. The abstract is taken from a more extensive Study of Nursing and Nursing Education began in 1967. The abstract...
This document contains a list of quotations "of nurses who work with University trained physician's assistants." The comments are from a study apparently conducted in 1971 by the Duke University Physician's Associate Program. All types of nursing...
Monograph (circular) distributed by Veterans Administration, Department of Medicine and Surgery to directors, VA Hospitals, Domiciliary, etc. providing "guidelines for utilization and levels of activity for PAs employed at VA stations." The guidelines...
Return reply postcard used in 1971 to subscribe to the Physician's Associate, the Journal of the American Association of Physicians' Associates. The publisher was Charles B. Slack, Inc. One year subscription rate was $14.00.
1971 informational pamphlet distributed by Duke University PA Program to potential candidates for admissions. The pamphlet provides brief history of program, efforts to define PA professional role, the curriculum, professional mobility, admission...
Table of contents from the first issue (Vol.1, no. 1) of Physician's Associate, 1971, the official journal of the American Association of Physicians' Assistants published quarterly by Charles B. Slack, Inc., Thorofare, NJ.
Memorandum from D. Robert Howard, director, to David E. Lewis, associate director of the Duke University PA Program providing information about the newly established Insurance Rating Board Code 9711 allowing PAs and surgeon assistants to purchase...
This memorandum has an attachment that outlines the organizational structure of the Bragtown/Rougemont community health projects. The responsibilities of the physician's assistants are provided. Joyce Nichols and Prentiss Harrison, African-American PA...
Minutes of the second meeting of the Task Force on Physician's Assistant Programs of the AMA and AAMC Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) that met at the Regency Hyatt House Hotel, Chicago, IL on April 28, 1971. The committee adopted...
This report was prepared by the Office of Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs, DHEW to send to Congress in June 1971. The 1970 Public Health Service Act (Sec. 799A) required the Secretary to submit a report "identifying the major...
This is a 1971 legislative report prepared by the Legislative Research Commission for the NC General Assembly covering a variety of health care topics. The first two topic (reports) related to physician's assistants: (1) Health Manpower Needs in North...
Summary report of a survey of insurance liability carriers to determine guidelines that they had established for providing coverage for PAs and their employing physicians or institutions. A brief history of attempts to gain liability is provided. Of...
A report (white paper) that contrast the education and utilization of Physician Associates (Duke Educational Model) and Medex (University of Washington Educational Model). Contains a list of Medex and PA Programs and list of Duke PA graduates and...
This study guide accompanied film produced by the Veterans Administration Medical Media Network at Duke University in 1970-71 titled "Status Report: The Physician's Assistant." The study guide contains pre and post tests, a description of points of...