Photograph of Albert Calmette, who was involved in immunological research to prevent tuberculosis infection and was the first to introduce active immunization against tuberculosis. He was a pupil of Louis Pasteur. "Triangle Volume VI No. 2 July...
Photograph of Albert Kolliker from page 70 of Sharpey's Album. Kolliker was a comparative anatomist and physiologist. Text in Russian on verso. Photographed by Dauthendey.
Part of an album of eminent scientists, surgeons, etc. with a collection of...
Portrait of Victor Albrecht von Haller sitting by a table, with his right hand resting on a book on the table. Painted by T. R. Studer v. W., engraved by I. I. Haid.
Signed photograph of Aldo Castellani. Inscription reads “To Dr. Daniel T. Smith, with very kind regards and best wishes, Aldo Castellani, 20th Oct. 1956.”
Cartes de visite photograph of Alexander Brown Mott from page 3 of an anonymous album. He was the son of Valentine Mott and helped found the first United States Army General Hospital in New York during the Civil War.
Part of an album of 23 small...
Portrait of Alexander Monro. Painted by Allan Ramsay and engraved by James Bafire. Monro was a Professor of Anatomy and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh and Fellow of the Royal Society.