Full front portrait of Dr. Thayer. Presentation inscription to Dr. Davison "W. C. D. with the sincere regards of W. S. T." Two duplicates in Folio Picture File, with presentation inscriptions "O. H. -P. from W. S. T." and "W. F. with the sincere...
Picture of William S. Thayer with facsimile signature. He is sitting with his right hand holding a pen and resting on the desk. Photographed by Doris Ulmann.
Publisher: New York.
Picture of William S. Thayer. He is sitting in a chair with his left arm resting against the back of the chair. Note on verso indicates he was a Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital about 1919-1923, and was a visiting professor at Duke...
Thayer standing, with his hand on the shoulder of a man in a bed, and a clipboard attached to the headboard of the bed. On verso "Dr. William S. Thayer 'Sadie' 1906 Prof. of Medicine."