The Duke University Medical Center Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) was an automated system that allowed people to travel between Duke Hospital (Duke North) and Duke Clinics (Duke South). The system was launched in 1979 and discontinued in 2009.
The Duke University Medical Center Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) was an automated system that allowed people to travel between Duke Hospital (Duke North) and Duke Clinics (Duke South). The system was launched in 1979 and discontinued in 2009.
Dr. Frank Lanni in laboratory mixing an "inhibitor" with cells to see to what extent the inhibitor prevents the virus from clinging to cells. Lanni was a Research Associate in the Department of Surgery who worked with Dr. Joseph Beard in the 1940s.
Duke Life Flight helicopter with Duke North Hospital in background. In 1985, Duke Life Flight became the first hospital-based helicopter service in North Carolina.
Barnes Woodhall examining x-ray, nurses in background. Woodhall was the chief of Duke University Medical Center's Division of Neurosurgery from 1937 to 1960. He became the second dean of the School of Medicine, serving from 1960 to 1964. Woodhall...
School of nursing student exiting Baker House. Baker House, located on Trent Drive, was constructed in 1931 and renovated in 1968. The building is contiguous with Duke Clinic. It housed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology administration,...
Portrait of Russell Dicks, a professor of pastoral care, the director of clinical pastoral training, and chaplain at Duke University Hospital from 1948-1958.
Ewald W. Busse in the 1970s. Ewald W. Busse was a early leader in the field of geriatric psychiatry and a founder of the Center for Aging and Human Development, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry and Dean Emeritus of Medical and...
Ewald W. Busse in the 1980s. Ewald W. Busse was a early leader in the field of geriatric psychiatry and a founder of the Center for Aging and Human Development, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry, and Dean Emeritus of Medical and...
Frederick Bernheim in a laboratory during the 1970s. Dr. Bernheim was one of the original members of the faculty of the Duke University Hospital and School of Medicine. He served as professor of pharmacology from 1930 until 1974 or 1975.
Formal portrait of Frederick Bernheim from the 1950s. Dr. Bernheim was one of the original members of the faculty of the Duke University Hospital and School of Medicine. He served as professor of pharmacology from 1930 until 1974 or 1975.
Dr. Smith was the James B. Duke Professor of Microbiology; chair of the Department of Microbiology (1930-1958); and associate professor of medicine in the Division of Preventive Medicine (1950-1966) at Duke University.
Division of Physical Therapy staff seated at table. The Division of Physical Therapy has been part of patient services in Duke Hospital since the hospital opened in 1930.
James H. Semans, professor of urology in the Dept. of Surgery, served on the Duke faculty for 28 years. In the 1960s Semans, along with his wife Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans, helped to establish the North Carolina School of the Arts in...
Dr. Smith was the James B. Duke Professor of Microbiology; chair of the Department of Microbiology (1930-1958); and associate professor of Medicine in the division of preventive medicine (1950-1966) at Duke University.
Dr. Smith was the James B. Duke Professor of Microbiology; chair of the Department of Microbiology (1930-1958); and associate professor of Medicine in the division of preventive medicine (1950-1966) at Duke University.
Dr. Tosteson was chair of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology from 1961 to 1975 and also served as chief of the Division of Physiology from 1970 to 1974.
Rachel Z. Booth, RN, MS, PhD, served as assistant vice president for health affairs and dean and professor of the School of Nursing (1984-1987) at Duke University.
Judith Farrar, librarian; Mary Duke Biddle Trent, chair of the Library Committee; and Mildred T. Farrar, assistant librarian working in the Duke Hospital Library.
Dr. James H. Semans was a Duke University surgeon and urologist who combined a career as a leading medical scientist and physician with a passion for the arts and charitable causes. He was the husband of Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans.
Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz is a James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator in the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical Center.