School of Medicine students performing the 1940 student-faculty show, from OPC to CPC. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke. From L-R: Bill Sellers, Kenneth Brown, Stephen...
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
1980 School of Medicine faculty. Row 1 (L-R): David Durack, Herbert Sieker, James Clapp, James Wyngaarden, Harvey Cohen, J. Lamar Caloway, Andrew Huang, Len Lastinger, Yihong Kong. Row 2 (L-R): Wednell Rosse, Allen Roses, Edwin Cox, Sheldon Pinnell,...
Dr. W. David Watkins and J. Horst Meyer dance in the 1986 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
A performance of the 1990 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. Pat Kenan, MD '59, in front. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
Aerial view of the newly completed Duke University School of Medicine and Duke Hospital. Nearby residential neighborhoods and west campus buildings are also visible.
Elderly volunteers for research conducted by the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging receive thorough physical and mental examinations. Here, a medical scientist is shown as he makes microscopic observations of blood vessels of the eye.
Alpha Kappa Kappa was a medical fraternity for junior and senior men of the Duke University School of Medicine. (Front row, left to right) Jack D. Wycoff, Duval H. Koonce, Malcolm P. Tyor, John E. Scheid, Jr., Ralph I. Cottle, Carmine K. Lyons, Paul H....
Alpha Kappa Kappa was a medical fraternity for junior and senior men of the Duke University School of Medicine. At least five fraternities have been founded in the School of Medicine: Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, and...
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.