Summary of Academy's actions in 1975 and resolutions of their January 23-24, 1976 meeting. Among the most current resolutions passed are the support for continuing education for membership and further accreditation for medical education programs. The...
This document, a draft of the NCCPA newsletter, includes an open letter from the executive director, which explains in detail the technical and financial requirements of PA testing. This information is broken down into testing that involves...
Program from the October 28-29 PA conference at the Statler Hilton Inn in Durham, NC. Speakers include D. Robert Howard, E. Harvey Estes, Henry Weitz, Louis R. Pondy, Richard O. Cannon, Bill Stanhope, and Charles L. Hudson.
In this letter, Irma Lou Hirsch of the ANA politely informs the NCCPA that "the cabinet voted to discontinue appointment of a representative to the commission".