Reichert arc system. Germany. 1951. This arc-radius system used Cartesian and polar coordinates. The instrument's large base allowed the brain target to be approached from any point on the skull. Modified in 1965 by Reichert and Dr. Mundinger, the...
Bertrand rectilinear system. Canada. 1953. Dr. Claude Bertrand, the French Canadian neurosurgeon, introduced his pneumotaxic guide in 1953 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It was based on the orthogonal system combined with rectolinear...
Grass stimulator system. Quincy, MA: Grass Medical Instruments, 1970. 5 instruments. Built by Grass Medical Instruments of Quincy, Massachusetts, these instruments were used to stimulate the brain and spinal cord.
Nashold arc system. USA. 1969. Based on the arc principle, this instrument was unique since it was made specifically to lesion the cerebellar dentate nucleus. Designed by Drs. Blaine Nashold and Graham Slaughter and John Harrison, an Australian...
W-P Instruments Stimulator system. New Haven, CT: 1970. Built by W-P Instruments of New Haven, Connecticut, this instrument was used to stimulate the brain and spinal cord.
The Spiegel-Wycis Medal; bestowed upon Blaine S. Nashold, Jr. by the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgey at Ixtapa, Mexico, October 1993.