This desk was presented to Duke Hospital by Doctor William John Dann March 1938. It was formerly the property of the Reverend Henry Montague Butler, D.D.; Headmaster of Harrow School 1859 - 1885; Dean of Gloucester 1885 - 1886; Master of Trinity...
Apothecary jar. Early 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: blank. Octagonal jar on low shaped base, hand painted "Imperial gate" scene with saints' heads and chinese figures. Lid has some damage. 12.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Acido Salisilico. Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Cerato Saturno. Handpainted design of henna flowers with green foliage, serpents and urns. 10.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: E: Diaq: Simple. Handpainted design of henna flowers with green foliage, serpents and urns. 10.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Empl: Bellad. Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Empl: Beton. Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Label: Eter Butirico. Cobalt blue glass with white design, ground glass stoppers. Green and gold metal caps over stoppers. 9" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Label: Past. de Cocaina. Handblown clear glass pedestal urns with the original paper labels affixed. Convex lids. 13.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Label: Pastillas de Menta inglesa. Handblown clear glass pedestal urns with the original paper labels affixed. Convex lids. 13.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Pom: Amm:G. Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Pom: Pice N: Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Pulpa Tamar: Handpainted design of henna flowers with green foliage, serpents and urns. 10.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Label: Purgante Leroy 4. Cobalt blue glass with white design, ground glass stoppers. Green and gold metal caps over stoppers. 9" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Salicilato de Soda. Handpainted design of blue and mustard scrolls and flowers. Marked "Mehun, France." Conical lid. 9" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Salol. Handpainted design of blue and mustard scrolls and flowers. Marked "Mehun, France." Conical lid. 9" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Tetas Pino. Handpainted design of henna flowers with green foliage, serpents and urns. 10.5" tall.
Apothecary jar. 19th century. France. Porcelain. Label: Ung: Arcoei. Handpainted scene of lions, scrolls and foliage. Marked "L. Caut, Paris, 30 Rue des Francs Bourgeant."
Austin and Lee burr hole system. USA. 1956. The basic design consisted of a device mounted on a burr hole in the skull. It allowed guidance at various angular adjustments. By passing the needle through the trephine after attaching the socket, AP...
Avery Labs stimulator system. Farmingdale, NY. 1970. 6 instruments: 2 Brain and spinal cord stimulators. 1cutaneous, 1 transcutaneous and 2 neuro. The Avery Electrical Brain and Spinal Cord Stimulator was built by Avery Labs in Farmingdale, New...
Bertrand rectilinear system. Canada. 1953. Dr. Claude Bertrand, the French Canadian neurosurgeon, introduced his pneumotaxic guide in 1953 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It was based on the orthogonal system combined with rectolinear...
Self-supporting black wooden plaque with gold characters and red signature/seal. Inscription reads: Helmet decorated with small gold plates, red thread and a long hoe-shaped helmet crest.