Dr. Osterhout investigates household products in the Duke Poison Control Center. Dr. Shirley K. Osterhout came to Duke University in 1949 as an undergraduate. She obtained her MD from Duke in 1957 and continued in the Department of Pediatrics,...
Herman Max Schiebel was member of the house staff of Duke Hospital and served as professor of surgery during the early 1930s. He became assistant chief of surgical services for the Office of Civilian Defense, Reserve Unit of the United States...
Mrs. Addie Butler, left, a practical nursing student, gets some instruction from a nurse on Matas ward. This photograph was taken by Phyllis Cole and appeared in the December 10, 1971 issue of the Intercom newsletter.
Perlzweig was a member of the original faculty of the School of Medicine. He served as professor of biochemistry from 1929 to 1949. His research interests were primarily in the biochemistry of nutrition. Together with Frederic Moir Hanes, Wiley D....
Eugene Anson Stead, Jr. was professor of medicine and chair of the Dept. of Medicine at Duke University from 1947 to 1967. He was a Lt. Col. with the 65th General Hospital between wars and helped start the Cardiovascular Teaching and Training...
Moseley Award winners at the School of Nursing commencement ceremony for Bachelors of Science in Nursing. Pictured are Annette Baker, Carolyn Beethan, Denise Herrore, dean of the school Ruby Wilson, Carswell Hoots, and Sandra Pettit.
School of Medicine, class of 1932. These senior medical students are members of the first graduating class, a two-year class comprised of transfer students. (Left to right, row 1) Arena, Ward, Lovejoy, Walker, Blady, Wiley, Dalton. (Left to right,...