School of Medicine students performing the 1940 student-faculty show, from OPC to CPC. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke. From L-R: Bill Sellers, Kenneth Brown, Stephen...
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
Dr. W. David Watkins and J. Horst Meyer dance in the 1986 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
A performance of the 1990 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. Pat Kenan, MD '59, in front. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
Elderly volunteers for research conducted by the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging receive thorough physical and mental examinations. Here, a medical scientist is shown as he makes microscopic observations of blood vessels of the eye.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Dr. Catherine Wilfert discusses family support; her decision to become a physician; her medical degree from Harvard; the atmosphere for women at Harvard; the differences between the Harvard and Duke campuses; scientific collaborations on Duke campus;...
Dr. Hammond joined the Duke University School of Medicine faculty in 1968. He served as chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 1970 to 1980. In 1980 he became chair of the...
Charles Johnson came to Duke in 1967 as a fellow in the Division of Endocrinology. He became the one of the first African American faculty members in the Duke School of Medicine in 1970.
Weekly clinical-pathological conferences offered both students and staff a chance to study in detail pathological findings gained from autopsies and to determine the degree of accuracy of diagnosis made on these patients. Originally published in the...
Department of Medicine House Staff and Faculty Photo 1998-1999 1. A. Abernethy; 2. W. Yarger; 3. B. Haynes; 4. C. Cabell; 5. C. Colon-Emeric; 6. G. Jones; 7. N. Peterson; 8. J. Poku; 9. S. Rao; 10. C. Russo; 11. C. Jordan; 12. G. Gerschutz; 13. E....
Department of Medicine House Staff and Faculty Photo 1999-2000 1. L. Lein; 2. D. Daniel; 3. S. Gurley; 4. E. Hope; 5. J. Ard; 6. D. Nikcevich; 7. B. Haynes; 8. B. Yarger; 9. J. Peterson; 10. C. Petti; 11. S. Lin; 12. J. Gagliardi; 13. T. Fortin; 14. M....
Department of Medicine House Staff and Faculty Photo 2000-2001 1. N. Romano; 2. J. Green; 3. E. Christopher; 4. A. Kaplan; 5. S. Crowley; 6. B. Haynes; 7. W. Yarger; 8. T. Owens; 9. L. Greenblatt; 10. K. Johnson; 11. S. Gurley; 12. M. Wadleigh; 13. K....
Dr. Doris Howell discusses her early background; medical school at McGill University; positive treatment in medical school; her initial desire to go into the field of psychiatry; her choice to go into pediatrics; the characterization of pediatric work;...
Dr. Onyekwere E. Akwari, a Nigerian-American, was the first African-American surgeon at Duke University. A strong advocate for expanding and celebrating diversity at the university, Akwari supported the introduction of Duke’s women’s and minority...
Drs. Ewald Busse, chair of the Department of Psychiatry (1953-1974); Thomas DeArman Kinney, chair of the Department of Pathology (1960-1975); William G. Anlyan, chancellor emeritus of Duke University Medical Center (1964-1969); Barnes Woodhall, dean of...