Students and faculty of Duke University School of Medicine at the annual student faculty show, where the students put on a musical play lampooning the school and the faculty. The location for that event each year at the time was the Stallion Club, a...
Portrait of Dr. Joseph Greenfield. Throughout his career, Dr. Greenfield held various positions at the Duke University Medical Center, including chief of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center's Cardiology Section (1963-1983), chief of Duke University...
Portrait of Dr. Grace Kerby, who worked at Duke from 1940 until her retirement in 1976. In 1946 she became the first female chief resident in the Department of Medicine, and in 1964 she became the first female full professor in the department....
Attendees of the first organizational meeting of the Southern Association of Practising Pathologists. The meeting was organized by Wiley D. Forbus (chair of Dept. of Pathology 1930-1960) in 1935. The association met again in 1937 in Duke University's...
Weekly clinical-pathological conferences offered both students and staff a chance to study in detail pathological findings gained from autopsies and to determine the degree of accuracy of diagnosis made on these patients. Originally published in the...
Dr. Robert Lefkowitz. Lefkowitz was appointed Associate Professor of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in 1973, and promoted to Professor of Medicine in 1977. In 1982 he became the James B. Duke Professor of Medicine. He was awarded the...