School of Medicine students performing the 1940 student-faculty show, from OPC to CPC. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke. From L-R: Bill Sellers, Kenneth Brown, Stephen...
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
Dr. W. David Watkins and J. Horst Meyer dance in the 1986 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
A performance of the 1990 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. Pat Kenan, MD '59, in front. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
Elderly volunteers for research conducted by the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging receive thorough physical and mental examinations. Here, a medical scientist is shown as he makes microscopic observations of blood vessels of the eye.
Ann Gunn was Duke’s first postgraduate LPN to achieve national certification in operating room technique. A Durham native, she came to Duke in 1964 to receive her LPN training. Gunn then worked on the general surgical unit from 1965-1969. In 1969 she...
Ann Gunn poses in front of the door to Operation Room 10. She was Duke’s first postgraduate LPN to achieve national certification in operating room technique. A Durham native, she came to Duke in 1964 to receive her LPN training. Gunn then worked on...
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.
Augustus Grant is a cardiologist who joined the faculty at the Duke University School of Medicine in 1977. He currently serves as a Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment.