Bookplate: A modern male figure clothed in a lab coat and gloves examines a test tube. A shadow figure behind him in medieval dress holds aloft a flask. A banner between them reads: Nova et Vetera.
Portrait of a book with two shields. On one shield is a skull, and on the other shield is a caduceus. A patriarchal cross is in the center. Drawn by H. S.
Picture by Slevadi of a nude woman standing among trees with a snake coiled on a book on the ground. Text at top: "Ex Libris Privis." Name at bottom: Abraham F. Lash.
Picture of the devil driving a plow. Tuberous vegetables are shown scattered on the ground. The plow itself contains a triangle with an eye inside. Drawn by K. R. S.
Benjamin Waterhouse. Manuscript note on verso indicates that this is from a portrait by Guilbert Stuart. From Dr. Henry Barton Jacobs, September 19, 1935, Pleadwell.
Bookplate: Two men wearing robes and caps face each other. One is pressing a cloth against the wound in the other's right forearm. A left hand radiating rays with a palm facing out is on a cloth hanging behind them.
Portrait of James Young Simpson. He is sitting in a chair holding his cane. His right arm is resting on a stack of books. Painted by T. Hamilton Crawford. An impression with the letters "ZGGU" is located in the bottom left hand corner of the...
Picture showing various symbols, including several crosses, a serpent with its head pointed down toward a goblet, and a skull being held in a man's hand. Drawn by C. Alban. Text in French and German.
Picture of a door in Klebs' library, Les Terrasses. A tree can be seen outside of the open door. Text on verso includes "1933, August. Outlet."
Publisher: Lyon: Les Terrasses.
Silhouette of Crawford W. Long, shown facing left and holding a book. Cut from an 1842 portrait of him by his youngest living daughter, Edwina M. Long of Athens, Ga. Cut for the Mallin Roudel Co.
Picture of an old man using a funnel to pour something into a person's head. Various symbols, including an owl and a globe are shown. Drawn by K. Muhlenck.
Photograph of Alan Mason Chesney. Chesney was Associate Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Hopkins Medical faculty. Autograph note with Forbus’ initials on verso of photo.
Tuesday morning conference in the old autopsy room at Bay View. Facilities were used for the instruction of Hopkins Medical students. The material used at these conferences was brought to Duke and formed the basis of the original Duke collection...