Bookplate: Poem enclosed in a ruled border: If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shall he be To read, to study, not to lend, But to return to me.
Portrait of John Hunter, facing left, by T. H. Maguire taken from a pencil drawing by Nathaniel Holland. Drawing now in the possession of Royal College of Surgeons of England to whom it was presented by Captn. Sir Everard Home, Bart. in July 1849....
Alexander Anderson, M.D. The amiable and excellent Engraver and Father of the Art of Wood Engraving in America, in his Ninety Second year. Caption signed by L. E. C.
Manuscript note on verso indicates that this is a photograph of Jessie Simpson. The same hand has written "Jessie" at the lower left corner of the photograph.
Cartes de visite photograph of Henry Jacob Bigelow from page 24 of an anonymous album. Bigelow was a major innovator in orthopedic surgery. He was present at Morton's public ether demonstration and was a bitter opponent of the admissions of blacks...
Cartes de visite photograph of George Cheyne Shattuck, Jr., from page 25 of an anonymous album. Shattuck was president of the Massachusetts Medical Society for which he established the annual Shattuck lectureship. Photographed by J. W. Black.
Cartes de visite photograph of Edward Hammond Clarke from page 16 of an anonymous album. Clarke claimed that the health of adolescent women could be endangered by academic work and thus argued against co-education and the admission of women to...
Cartes de visite photograph of Henry Ingersoll Bowditch from page 19 of an anonymous album. Bowditch was a physician specializing in diseases of the chest. He was interested in public health and also influenced the army to improve its ambulance...
Cartes de visite photograph of John Barnard Swett Jackson from page 21 of an anonymous album. Jackson was curator of Warren Anatomical Museum at Harvard and curator of the Museum of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement. Photographed by J. W....