Picture of a woman holding a bowl from which smoke is emerging. A skull and the outline of a city is shown at the top of sheet. Drawn by Fernando Deverini. Text in Latin.
Picture of a woman standing on books, with a snake wrapped around her body, holding a skull in her right outstretched hand and a basin in her left outstretched hand. Text in Greek. Bookplate of Dr. Med. Jul. Cornelius Seenger.
Portrait of John Howard, eminent English philanthropist, noted for the reforms achieved by him in Hospital Management and Prison Discipline. From the Howard Hospital Philadelphia Report.
Picture of a man standing above a woman sitting on the floor holding a small child. The man has his hand on the woman's head. Drawn by Fidus. Text in German.
Portrait showing the Geoffroy coat of arms. Two cherubs are pictured, one holding a pharmacist's balance, the other holding a medical book and the staff of Asklepios. Drawn by S. le Clerc and engraved by C. Dufois. Text in Latin.
Picture of greenery with sheets of paper in front. Three hands are shown at the top of the sheet. The upper pictures show landscapes scenes. The middle picture shows the owner's initials. Engraved by Fernique and drawn by Henry Andre. Text in...
Photograph of Metschnikoff sitting down by Nicola Perscheid. The number "8058" is in the right-hand corner of the sheet.
Publisher: Berlin: Photographische Gesellschaft.
Photograph of Slemons sitting with his left leg propped up and resting his left elbow on his knee. Note on verso indicates that this is a photograph of Josiah Slemons, Associate Prof. of Obstetrics.
Photograph of Wilhelm von Waldeyer-Hartz. He is standing grasping a pince-nez in his left hand. His right hand is on a table. Photographed by Nicola Perscheid. The number "4726" is shown at the bottom of the sheet.
Publisher: Berlin:...
Picture of Paul Emil Flechsig. He is sitting down with his right hand on his leg. Photographed by Nicola Perscheid. The number "4799" is shown is the right hand corner of the sheet.
Picture by Minrikson of a girl sitting, holding a skull, with a snake wrapped around a large basin in the background. At bottom "H. J. Achard Medicinae doctor."
Portrait of a semi-nude woman standing near a bookcase with a snake curled around her arm. Surrounded by various objects including an owl, skull, books, and a rug. Drawn by C. Heine.
Picture of a man sitting and looking through a microscope. On the desk near the microscope are a number of books, a skull, and other objects. Several college seals and a coat of arms are also shown. Drawn by Katherine N. Richardson. Text in Latin.
Picture of Pierre and Marie Curie in the laboratory. Pierre is holding what appears to be some radioactive material in his left hand. Marie is next to him with her hand on his shoulder. Portrait by J. M. P. The words "Jehu Junior" are shown at the...
Picture of a smiling woman riding a donkey. Two other women are shown in the background. A man in a suit of armor is kneeling near the woman. Another man is shown in the foreground. Drawn C. Puntis.
Bookplate: The upper half of the plate has the initials "A" and "G" intertwined with an eye inside the "G." A copy of an illuminated manuscript by Albert von Graefe lies open on the table below.
Extensive manuscript note on verso indicates that this is a photograph of coat of arms of James Young Simpson, given to H. A. K. by Miss Eve Blantyne Simpson.
Bookplate: An elderly bearded man in expensive robes leans across the bed of a young woman. A skull peers over his left shoulder. Above, a banner with "Apage Mors." Below, two snakes threaten across an open flame.
Picture by H. Ziegler, for H. Ziegler, of a skull, books, a quill pen, the Masonic symbol, and instruments on a table, with a tree branch and a basin with a snake wrapped around it in the background.
Picture of a man holding medical instruments and leaning over a woman in a bed, with the Grim Reaper looking over his shoulder. At top "Apage Mors." For Mu Dr. D. Panyrek by L. Novak.
Bookplate: Four surgically gowned figures surround an operating table with a patient. Medical instruments are in the foreground, academic buildings are in the background.
Manuscript note on verso indicates that this is from a portrait of James Young Simpson's favorite dog Ruck. Recieved from Miss Eve B. Simpson, March 1901.
A tree serves as a caduceus with a serpent wound around the trunk. The branches are hands, one holding a flower, another a globe. At the top is an eye.
Bookplate: A young man holds a jar aloft. To his lower right and left are heraldic shields of Hohenfeld and Mainbernheim, respectively. On upper left and right are anatomic cross-sections.
Bookplate: In a medieval interior, an elderly bearded man in long robes tries on spectacles. Another bearded man sits at a table offering other spectacles.
Bookplate: A physician examines a flask of urine while taking the pulse of a woman. Another woman looks on. Composition inspired by a Jan Steen painting.
Bookplate: A surgeon operates in the background. The grim reaper is in the foreground. A book is open to an image of a snake curled around a chalice to form a caduceus.
Bookplate: Inscribed in a circle is a male physician examining a female patient's eye. Below is a caduceus superimposed over the letters "R.L." against a backdrop of books and several onion-domed buildings.
Bookplate: Young girl with a flower in her right hand sits on a grassy hillside. Against a mountain backdrop two children carry an oversized crutch. An arch of roses frames the scene with a serpent and bowl on the right and an owl and books below.
Bookplate: Naked male infant standing atop a pillar urinating into a test tube attached by a clamp to a stand. Around the stand and test tube is wound a snake.
Bookplate: Bearded scholar reading in a grape arbor supported by doric columns. Foxglove growing at left. Greek inscription on cross beam [Proverbs 8:21].
Bookplate: Winged Caduceus with two serpents inside an oval wreath, flanked by books. An oak branch with acorns is laid across a third book lying beneath the wreath.
Bookplate: An elderly man in a long coat examines the tongue of a mask. A table with instruments and books is to his right. Curieux es Arts. Artiste es Cures.
Bookplate: From top to bottom: left profile of warrior in helmet, serpent twined around goblet to form a caduceus, x-ray of a ribcage, esophageal procedure.