Picture of a book and a quill pen surrounded by columns. The book is located in what appears to be the entrance to a building. Various symbols decorate the walls of the building.
Picture of an angel in a circle holding a wine glass (above) and a picture of a city (below). Stars are shown in the plate also. Drawn by Elfriede Weidenhaus. Text in German.
Pubsliher: Stuttgart: Wagenburg Strasse
Picture of a man wrapped in a newspaper reading a book. Several open newspapers and a shelf of books are shown behind him. There is also a book and a several newspapers on the floor. Drawn by Brugnot. Text on verso in English, German, and French.
Picture of a man by a pool holding a fish. He is looking toward a winged woman as she approaches. There are hills in the background and palm trees in the foreground. Border consists of various symbols.
Picture by H. Ziegler, for H. Ziegler, of a skull, books, a quill pen, the Masonic symbol, and instruments on a table, with a tree branch and a basin with a snake wrapped around it in the background.
Outdoor picture of a small child standing near a pool of water. A caduceus is shown in his left arm. A small bird is shown in the upper left hand side of the sheet. Drawn by Lobisser.
Picture of the devil driving a plow. Tuberous vegetables are shown scattered on the ground. The plow itself contains a triangle with an eye inside. Drawn by K. R. S.
Portrait of a jester's head atop a caduceus. The staff is leaning against three books with a goblet in front. Text on verso: "Gezeichnet von Theo Becker."
Picture showing two birds in an oriental motif. One bird is directly above the other. The borders are formed by two sets of four bamboo poles lashed together.
Picture of a book and a sheet of music with a skull and a theatrical mask on top, all resting on a box. On the box "Dr. med: J. Kluber." By Hans Probst.
Picture of two women: One is lying in a bed, the other is standing beside her holding a torch in her left hand and a book. A skeleton is in the background. Drawn by Estiarte.
Portrait of a book with two shields. On one shield is a skull, and on the other shield is a caduceus. A patriarchal cross is in the center. Drawn by H. S.
Picture of a human head with a locked panel with a keyhole and a bolt on the upper side of the head. Caption "Avenir Atomique." Name of Dr. Joan Catasus at bottom.
Picture of a coat of arms with a cross on it, with a fancy border including an owl standing on a stack of books, a kite with a key, a sword, and various medical instruments. For Dr. Joseph C. Egbert.
Portrait of a priest in clerical garb with his right hand on a cross. A landscape is shown in the foreground. The name "S. V. Voitech" appears on the cleric's headdress.
Picture of a man on horseback reading a book with what appears to be a large feather in his hand. A windmill is shown in the background. The horse is grazing on some grass. Drawn by Z. Vecsei.
Picture of a man holding two books in his left hand and a pen in his right hand. A landscape scene is shown in the background. Drawn by Buday-Gyorgy.
Publisher: Hungary
Egyptian scene showing a man and a woman. A serpent is between them. The man is holding a fan and an ankh. A desert scene is shown in the background, and hieroglyphic designs are shown on the borders. Drawn by Uriel Birnbaum.
Publisher: College of...
Picture of a semi-nude woman in a tub. Beside the tub is a pitcher of cold water. A man in a robe is looking at the woman. A salamander is also shown suspended from the roof. Various other objects are shown around the room. Text in German. Drawn...
Picture by Lossilla of a skeleton smoking a cigarette, looking at a microscope, with an open book and a quill pen next to him. Caption: "La muerte por la ciencia."
Picture of a tree with a heart in a basin below it with vapors coming up from the heart. Books, skull, and medical instruments hidden among the flowers. Bookplate for Dr. Lugosi Dome.
Picture of a man reclining between two pictures, labeled "Fons Vita" and "Fons Mortis". Man is reclining on a pedestal labeled "Cajal", with a statue behind him. At right "In memoriam" and at bottom "Dr. Manuel Morales Fraile". By Manuel Calderon.
Landscape portrait of a woman lying under a tree reading a book. An owl and a medical implement are shown in the left and right corners, respectively. Drawn by Amalia de Escauriaza. Text in Latin.
Picture of a woman standing on books, with a snake wrapped around her body, holding a skull in her right outstretched hand and a basin in her left outstretched hand. Text in Greek. Bookplate of Dr. Med. Jul. Cornelius Seenger.