Picture of a man standing up against the pages of an open book with his arms outstretched. Drawn by Dan Burne Jones. Text at bottom left: "For GS from DBJ."
Bookcase with an hourglass on each door. Text at top of sheet: "The historian's one task is to tell the thing as it happened, Lucian." A caduceus with the word Froben appears at the center. Drawn by Blackburn.
Bookplate: An older man in a trenchcoat is seated in a chair with a nicely dressed female skeleton on his lap. Books and lab equipment are on shelves behind them.
Picture of a man standing on a bowl holding up a baby. A number of nude women are arranged in a circle around the man. The bowl is on top of a book. A caduceus, scales, and other symbols are also shown. Drawn by R. Lane.
Picture showing various alchemical objects and a uroborus. Text in Greek. Text on verso: "La Crisopea di Cleopatra, dalla 'Storia della Chimica' di Gino Testi."
Bookplate: A modern male figure clothed in a lab coat and gloves examines a test tube. A shadow figure behind him in medieval dress holds aloft a flask. A banner between them reads: Nova et Vetera.