Bookplate: Bearded scholar reading in a grape arbor supported by doric columns. Foxglove growing at left. Greek inscription on cross beam [Proverbs 8:21].
Picture of a man reclining between two pictures, labeled "Fons Vita" and "Fons Mortis". Man is reclining on a pedestal labeled "Cajal", with a statue behind him. At right "In memoriam" and at bottom "Dr. Manuel Morales Fraile". By Manuel Calderon.
Bookplate: Female nude--full frontal view to just above the waist. A stethoscope bisects the image. A funnel is on the left; a thermometer is on the right.
Picture of a book and a sheet of music with a skull and a theatrical mask on top, all resting on a box. On the box "Dr. med: J. Kluber." By Hans Probst.
Picture of a quill pen with a scroll wrapped around it with text "What do we know" on it, with books and a skull below, and snakes wrapped around the upper margin of the plate. For Charles W. Burr, M.D.
Picture by Slevadi of a nude woman standing among trees with a snake coiled on a book on the ground. Text at top: "Ex Libris Privis." Name at bottom: Abraham F. Lash.
Bookplate: Seal of Ramsey County Medical Society showing a microscope behind which is a crossed quill pen and scalpel: Incidere, Inspicere, Inscribere.
Picture of the letter K, with a man in armor at bottom, Martin Luther at right, and a martin at top. Border includes medical instruments and a caduceus. Drawn by Junge for Martin L. Kreiger.
Portrait of a semi-nude woman standing near a bookcase with a snake curled around her arm. Surrounded by various objects including an owl, skull, books, and a rug. Drawn by C. Heine.
Bookplate: Poem enclosed in a ruled border: If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shall he be To read, to study, not to lend, But to return to me.
Picture of a native in a loincloth kneeling before a bowl from which heat is rising. A large contemporary style thermometer is in the background. For Henri de Lanteuil.
Bookplate: An unclothed female on a square pedestal which has the image of a skull on the front. Behind her a very large eye emanates rays which illuminate the bones and internal organs of her torso. An elaborately coiled serpent drinks from a...
Picture initialed H. F. K. of a skull on top of a stack of books, with the caduceus in front, and with symbols of medical instruments at the top. Bookplate for Dr. med. Edmund Kammeyer.
Picture of a man holding a large microscope and looking at a body with it, with a skeleton looking on in the background. Name of Dr. Antal Miklos at bottom.
Bookplate: Winged Caduceus with two serpents inside an oval wreath, flanked by books. An oak branch with acorns is laid across a third book lying beneath the wreath.
Bookplate: Naked male infant standing atop a pillar urinating into a test tube attached by a clamp to a stand. Around the stand and test tube is wound a snake.
Picture of a heart in which various objects are shown: an open book with a skull on it; a hand touching the skull with a snake coiled around it; a goblet; some greenery, and a guitar. Drawn by N. D. Text in Latin.
Bookplate: Winged cherub surrounded by a decorative frame of foliage holds aloft a candle in his right hand. He pries open the mouth of a serpent with his left hand and right foot.