Landscape portrait of a woman lying under a tree reading a book. An owl and a medical implement are shown in the left and right corners, respectively. Drawn by Amalia de Escauriaza. Text in Latin.
Picture of two angels holding an inner diamond showing a portal. Text in Spanish. Drawn by R. Abad. The number "101" is shown at the bottom of the sheet.
Picture by Lossilla of a skeleton smoking a cigarette, looking at a microscope, with an open book and a quill pen next to him. Caption: "La muerte por la ciencia."
Portrait of a priest in clerical garb with his right hand on a cross. A landscape is shown in the foreground. The name "S. V. Voitech" appears on the cleric's headdress.
Picture by R. Abad of wheat growing out of a heart, with a fancy border. Banner reads: "Moriatur ne moriatur." Name at bottom Dr. Adolfo Ma. Gomez Ruiz.
Picture of an angel in a circle holding a wine glass (above) and a picture of a city (below). Stars are shown in the plate also. Drawn by Elfriede Weidenhaus. Text in German.
Pubsliher: Stuttgart: Wagenburg Strasse
Picture of a nude woman standing in front of a glass bottle. Text at bottom "Ancora Chimica Sempre." Initialed by artist Ethel Vincenti Ferrario. For G. Balbi.
Bookplate: A doctor brandishes a saw in one hand, an amputated leg in the other, and an ax under his arm. The patient lies on the table reading a book by Edgar Wallace. Both figures have cheerful expressions.
Picture of a graduated cylinder and a syringe with a strip of plastic with beads on the edges wrapped around it. Stamped Ipse Fecit Fotomontage. By and for W. J. J. van Rossum.
Bookplate: A squirming convoluted pile of babies are circumscribed by an ellipse. Various books and medical instruments (trephine, tuning fork, forceps, reflex hammer) are scattered beyond the border. Double serpents are twined around a winged...
Picture of a man standing up against the pages of an open book with his arms outstretched. Drawn by Dan Burne Jones. Text at bottom left: "For GS from DBJ."
Bookcase with an hourglass on each door. Text at top of sheet: "The historian's one task is to tell the thing as it happened, Lucian." A caduceus with the word Froben appears at the center. Drawn by Blackburn.
Bookplate: An older man in a trenchcoat is seated in a chair with a nicely dressed female skeleton on his lap. Books and lab equipment are on shelves behind them.
Picture of a man standing on a bowl holding up a baby. A number of nude women are arranged in a circle around the man. The bowl is on top of a book. A caduceus, scales, and other symbols are also shown. Drawn by R. Lane.
Picture showing various alchemical objects and a uroborus. Text in Greek. Text on verso: "La Crisopea di Cleopatra, dalla 'Storia della Chimica' di Gino Testi."
A tree serves as a caduceus with a serpent wound around the trunk. The branches are hands, one holding a flower, another a globe. At the top is an eye.
Bookplate: A young man holds a jar aloft. To his lower right and left are heraldic shields of Hohenfeld and Mainbernheim, respectively. On upper left and right are anatomic cross-sections.
Bookplate: In a medieval interior, an elderly bearded man in long robes tries on spectacles. Another bearded man sits at a table offering other spectacles.
Bookplate: A physician examines a flask of urine while taking the pulse of a woman. Another woman looks on. Composition inspired by a Jan Steen painting.