Bookplate: A modern male figure clothed in a lab coat and gloves examines a test tube. A shadow figure behind him in medieval dress holds aloft a flask. A banner between them reads: Nova et Vetera.
Portrait of a book with two shields. On one shield is a skull, and on the other shield is a caduceus. A patriarchal cross is in the center. Drawn by H. S.
Picture by Slevadi of a nude woman standing among trees with a snake coiled on a book on the ground. Text at top: "Ex Libris Privis." Name at bottom: Abraham F. Lash.
Picture of the devil driving a plow. Tuberous vegetables are shown scattered on the ground. The plow itself contains a triangle with an eye inside. Drawn by K. R. S.
Bookplate: Two men wearing robes and caps face each other. One is pressing a cloth against the wound in the other's right forearm. A left hand radiating rays with a palm facing out is on a cloth hanging behind them.