Picture of a man standing above a woman sitting on the floor holding a small child. The man has his hand on the woman's head. Drawn by Fidus. Text in German.
Portrait showing the Geoffroy coat of arms. Two cherubs are pictured, one holding a pharmacist's balance, the other holding a medical book and the staff of Asklepios. Drawn by S. le Clerc and engraved by C. Dufois. Text in Latin.
Picture of greenery with sheets of paper in front. Three hands are shown at the top of the sheet. The upper pictures show landscapes scenes. The middle picture shows the owner's initials. Engraved by Fernique and drawn by Henry Andre. Text in...
Picture by Minrikson of a girl sitting, holding a skull, with a snake wrapped around a large basin in the background. At bottom "H. J. Achard Medicinae doctor."
Portrait of a semi-nude woman standing near a bookcase with a snake curled around her arm. Surrounded by various objects including an owl, skull, books, and a rug. Drawn by C. Heine.
Picture of a man sitting and looking through a microscope. On the desk near the microscope are a number of books, a skull, and other objects. Several college seals and a coat of arms are also shown. Drawn by Katherine N. Richardson. Text in Latin.
Picture of a smiling woman riding a donkey. Two other women are shown in the background. A man in a suit of armor is kneeling near the woman. Another man is shown in the foreground. Drawn C. Puntis.
Bookplate: The upper half of the plate has the initials "A" and "G" intertwined with an eye inside the "G." A copy of an illuminated manuscript by Albert von Graefe lies open on the table below.
Bookplate: An elderly bearded man in expensive robes leans across the bed of a young woman. A skull peers over his left shoulder. Above, a banner with "Apage Mors." Below, two snakes threaten across an open flame.
Picture by H. Ziegler, for H. Ziegler, of a skull, books, a quill pen, the Masonic symbol, and instruments on a table, with a tree branch and a basin with a snake wrapped around it in the background.
Picture of a man holding medical instruments and leaning over a woman in a bed, with the Grim Reaper looking over his shoulder. At top "Apage Mors." For Mu Dr. D. Panyrek by L. Novak.