Bookplate: Poem enclosed in a ruled border: If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shall he be To read, to study, not to lend, But to return to me.
Bookplate: Seal of Ramsey County Medical Society showing a microscope behind which is a crossed quill pen and scalpel: Incidere, Inspicere, Inscribere.
Bookplate: A young man and woman seeking protection kneel in front of Aesculapius who extends his staff with a serpent against a menacing skeleton with a scythe. Ionic columns frame the landscape.
Bookplate: A modern male figure clothed in a lab coat and gloves examines a test tube. A shadow figure behind him in medieval dress holds aloft a flask. A banner between them reads: Nova et Vetera.
Bookplate: a frame of linked kidneys surround a view from a scholar's latticed window. A microscope and laboratory glassware sit on the window sill with books piled beneath.
Bookplate: An older man in a trenchcoat is seated in a chair with a nicely dressed female skeleton on his lap. Books and lab equipment are on shelves behind them.