Ridlon, on left, sitting with his arm on the back of his chair, with another man on the right leaning on a small table. On verso "Dr. Ridlon and Dr. Weatherson resting, after the day's work".
Men on horseback, with infantry lined up in right background. On verso "Gen. Leonard Wood and staff at the review of the 4th 5th 6th and 7th Regiments".
Four men lifting another man, while another man stands watching, with rows of men with stretchers in the background. On verso "Lifting a 'wounded' man".
Man in uniform standing in an open tent entrance, bracing his arm on the tent wall. Horseshoe and sign above tent flap. On verso "Dr. Witterson- Chicago-".
Man in uniform, wearing glasses, standing at attention in front of an open tent flap. Laundry drying on the tent line on the left. On verso "Dr. Suches".
Large group of men standing in a field, many of them holding rifles, with rows of small tents. On verso "The last camp on the hike - Companies getting read[y] for inspection".
Four men moving a stretcher, with another man standing in the background. Two of the men are standing at a higher level, on top of an outcroping. On verso "Litter drill".
Man lying on a stretcher with his head raised; four men holding it near the ground while three men watch. On verso "Litter drill - Patient (JWJ) supposed to have broken thigh".
Four men carrying a stretcher, on which another man is lying, accompanied by three observers. Ridlon in far right foreground. On verso: "Litter drill - Patient carried in from bush after receiving first aid for broken thigh from Drs. Ridlon, Fay...
One fully and several partially erected tents, with a wooden walkway in the foreground. On verso: "Tents of 6th Regiment mushroomed while the men are off on the hike."
Pulisher: Plattsburgh
Many small tents, with rifles at the openings, in a field. A man stands in the foreground looking at the tents, with his back to us; other men engaged in various activities. On verso: "Last camp on hike Showing pup tents with rifles as tentpoles -...
Postcard of men in a field, aiming rifles. Text at bottom: "On the firing line, Military camp of instruction, Plattsburgh, N. Y." Photo by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y. Numbered P9620.
Publisher: Plattsburgh
Men standing at a large woodpile, while other men sit in a group on left. A wall is visible in the background. On verso: "A company kitchen on the hike - Men cutting up a side of beef on the woodpile - Food cooking in big kettles over...
A trench, with sticks and sandbags lining the walls. On verso: "A well constructed trench - forewall reinforced with riffraff made of tree branches and switches."
Publisher: Plattsburgh
Postcard of men handing rocks down a line in a field. Text at bottom: "Military Training camp, Plattsburgh, 1916 - Rookies passing rocks for roadway."
Publisher: Plattsburgh
Bookplate: Two trees tower over a shield with a caduceus and a shield with a rooster. A pelican is surrounded by Tulane's motto: "Non sibi, sed suis" ("Not for one's self, but for one's own").
Picture of a coat of arms. It shows a hand reaching down from a cloud touching another outsretched hand. A stringed instrument is shown on the bottom of the shield. Two figures (probably angels) are shown on the sides of the plate and another is...
Bookplate: Seal of the American College of Surgeons on which Aesculapius is seated with his Caduceus on the left side of a tree and an Indian medicine man with healing paraphenalia is seated on the right.
Bookplate: X-ray image of a left hand holding aloft a plate with a coiled and rearing serpent is inscribed in a white circle inside a square. Beneath are books on psychiatry and neurology arranged on a bookshelf.
Bookplate: A young man and woman seeking protection kneel in front of Aesculapius who extends his staff with a serpent against a menacing skeleton with a scythe. Ionic columns frame the landscape.
Picture of a woman holding a bowl from which smoke is emerging. A skull and the outline of a city is shown at the top of sheet. Drawn by Fernando Deverini. Text in Latin.
Picture of a woman standing on books, with a snake wrapped around her body, holding a skull in her right outstretched hand and a basin in her left outstretched hand. Text in Greek. Bookplate of Dr. Med. Jul. Cornelius Seenger.