A long line of uniformed men standing shoulder to shoulder in the background, behind several large tripods, with a building in the background, and a large tree on the left side of the photo.
A group of tents in front of buildings, with men engaging in various tasks outside the tents. On verso, "1st Medico - Military Encampment; Plattsburg N. Y.; July 26-Aug 9, 1916".
A long row of uniformed men standing shoulder to shoulder, extending beyond the left end of the photo, in front of a row of tents. On verso "The whole detachment with stacked litters".
A uniformed man standing casually facing the camera in the foreground, with another man facing away from the camera standing in the background. Tents and buildings in the background. On verso "Lieut. Col Henry Page".
Four men carrying a stretcher, on which another man is lying, accompanied by three observers. Ridlon in far right foreground. On verso "The winning squad" identifications on verso illegible.
A uniformed man, Major Huntington, standing at attention, slightly to the left of center, with a light colored wood building and a brick building both in the background.
A line of men standing shoulder to shoulder behind a line of four tripods. Tents, buildings, and a large tree visible in the background. On verso, "Our Platoon".
Four men carrying a stretcher, on which another man is lying, accompanied by three observers. "Patient with shattered thigh" seems to have leg wrapped in straw.
John Ridlon, on left, and another man in uniform, sitting in chairs. Ridlon is leaning on the back of his chair, the other has his arm braced on a small table.