At this meeting between the AMA and the AAPA at the American Medical Association building in Chicago, Godkins and Stanhope introduce the Academy to the AMA in hopes that it will cultivate future meetings between the two organizations that would...
Summary of a phone conversation between Gregory Gilreath of the American College of Physician's Assistants and Thomas Godkins of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates on July 18, 1972. The summary indicates that Gilreath "called to suggest...
An update on academy activities, this memo notifies the academy of upcoming meetings, and mentions the AAPA's intent to seek affiliation with groups representing "organized medicine".
This letter was written by Thomas Godkins, president of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates (AAPA), on September 25, 1972 to Burt E. Lanpher of the National Association of Physicians' Assistants (NAPA). The letter supports the concerns of...
Godkins communicates his belief to Snell that the American College of Physicians' Assistants has intentionally tried to deceive its members, saying "You must realize, however, that your letter has put the merger in a precarious position".
This letter was written by Thomas Godkins, president of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates, on October 3, 1972 to Gregory Gilreath, president of the American College of Physicians' Assistants. The purpose of the letter was to find time for...
In this letter, Godkins turns down a request made by Burt Lanpher and the National Association of Physicians' Assistants for a formal merger between the AAPA and NAPA.