Duke University School of Medicine New Students, January 1944: Ambrose, S.S., Jr.; Blackwell, C.C., Jr.; Branscomb, B.V.; Brooks, W.M.L., Jr.; Browning, J.R.; Burgess, J.R., Jr.; Chandler, J.R.; Clark, S.D.; Clifford, T.C.; Coonrad, R.W.; Crane, H.H.,...
Duke University School of Medicine, New Students September 1960: Alexander, R.H.; Allen, B.L., Jr.; Amstey, M.S.; Anderson, P.A.W.; Barber, W.S.; Barnett, C.F., Jr.; Bell, W.H., II; Bremer, C.C.; Carruth, J.W., Jr.; Chase, N.B.; Cottingham, A.J.;...
Duke University School of Medicine First Year Students, 1967: Abraham, G.; Ahmann, G.B.; Barnes, R.P.; Baten, M.; Beach, R.K.; Behringer, F., Jr.; Belmaker, E.Z.; Belmaker, R.H.; Beuttel, S.C.; Boehm, T.M.; Boleman, P.A.; Bradford, M.M.; Brater, D.C.;...
Duke University School of Medicine First Year Students, 1969: Auerbach, B.J.; Benbow, J.M.; Bermanzohn, P.C.; Blumner, J.; Cahill, J.D., Jr.; Chatterton, H.T.; Cole, T.C.; Collins, D.J.; Conley, M.J., Jr.; Cooke, D.B.; Coulam, C.M.; D’Angelo, L.J.;...