- Development and Alumni Affairs63
- David C. Sabiston Oral History Project62
- Sir William Osler Scrapbook, 1913-195062
- Doctor of Physical Therapy Capstone Projects50
- Duke University School of Medicine Class Composites49
- Sir William Osler Scrapbook: Correspondence46
- Duke Cancer Institute41
- Duke University School of Nursing34
- Selected Historical Publications31
- Duke Medicine News and Communications28
- InterCom26
- Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore25
- School of Medicine Bulletins25
- Charles Erskine Brayton Historical Publications Collection22
- PA Incorporation Era (1981-1990)22
- DukeMed Voices21
- Stereotactic Neurosurgery21
- Duke Department of Ophthalmology20
- Agents of Change Oral History Project19
- School of Nursing Bulletins19