Society of Arts Prize Microscope. Compound monocular microscope. Mid 19th century. Brass on wooden base. Wooden case. Drawer and accessories. Unsigned: [Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood, London, c. 1860] This all brass instrument with a claw-footed...
Leitz compound monocular microscope. 19th Century. Signed: E. Leitz, Wetzlar, No. 50835 of 11/VIII. Filiale, New York, 1899. Brass with black enamel base. Wooden case and accessories (oculars, additional low power objective and microscope slides)....
Zeiss Ultraphot II Photomicroscope with matching work desk and accessories. Serial # 63762. Purchased for $10,500 in January 1966 by Carl Bishop. Last used in 2002.