Minutes of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates Regular Meeting held at the Montefiore Medical Center, New York, NY on February 3, 1973. Three votes were taken: (1) to amend bylaws to make membership less restrictive, (2) to change name to...
This newsletter dated 5 April 1978 covers daily events during the Sixth Annual Conference on Health Practitioners held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Highlights include a call by incoming president James Konopa for a five year long-range plan for the AAPA,...
In his memo dated September 21, 1973. Thomas Piemme, president of the APAP, calls a formal special meeting of the APAP on the afternoon of October 12, 1973 to adopt revision of the Association's by-laws. This is necessary to gain IRS approval as a tax...
Newsletter issued in February 1974 announcing the hiring of Donald Fisher, Ph.D., as the Executive Director of the Academy and Association and planned opening of a joint national office in May 1974. In order for the Academy to receive foundation...
The by-laws of the American Registry of Physician's Associates, incorporated in North Carolina in May 1970. The purpose of the Registry was to encourage the training, promotion and regulation of the activities of physicians' associates, to determine...
Letter from Suzanne Greenberg, Secretary-Treasurer of the American Registry of Physicians' Associates announcing plans to hold the first meeting of the Association of Physician Assistants in Washington, DC on Friday November 10, 1972. Among matters to...
First by-laws adopted and revised at the first formal meeting of the Association of Physician Assistant Programs held November 10, 1972 at George Washington University, Washington, DC and mailed to member programs by Susan Greenberg, APAP secretary, on...