To investigate burnout and its correlation to and effect on the psychological, professional, empathetic, and academic acuity of graduate healthcare students.
Update on effectiveness of Spine Thrust Manipulation (STM) for LBP treatment as afollow-up study to the systematic review authored by Kuczynski et al.(2012)
The aim of this systematic review is to report on benefits and risks of exercise in a pediatric population with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The lack of conclusive evidence and the changing natural history necessitates an updated review to...
Determine if postural restrictions following canalith repositioning manuevers (CRM) are necessary for patients diagnosed and treated for Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Complete an updated, comprehensive systematic review and...
To review available literature and grade evidence of student learning outcomes when taught through cadaveric dissection versus other educational strategies.
Expand upon a systematic review performed by Neto et al in 2010. Create guidelines for clinical decision making regarding LE orthotic intervention for children with spastic CP.
In this systematic review, we examine how wearing different trackers (pedometers and accelerometers) may impact physical activity levels in older adults.